Thursday, 16 August 2018

March to Hilgay Bridge

16 August

When we woke it was grey and drizzly and it got wetter through the morning. We needed to time this morning’s journey well as we will be going onto the tidal Great Ouse today and we had to be at Salter’s Lode Lock for midday.  We set off at 7.00 and made quite slow progress through March as there are a lot of boats on end of garden moorings.

We have seen a number of wind turbines on our journey, but this was the first ‘farm’ of them that we had noticed.

We had contacted the lockkeeper at Marmont Priory Lock yesterday and she had said she would set the lock ready for us. So when we arrived, we could go straight in. As she did not seem to be around (it was only 8.30 after all), we slowly and carefully worked our way through it ourselves.

The channel through Upwell and Outwell was very shallow and again progress was slow. We finally arrived at Salter’s Lode at 11.30 and who should be there but our old friend nb Phenomenal. We moored alongside them and waited for the tide to fall sufficiently. The rain finally stopped while we were waiting.

Salter's Lode
Phenomenal went into the lock at 1.00; they are also going to the IWA Festival, but we will not see them again for a few days as they are visiting Downham Market first. 

nb Phenomenal making the turn out of Salter's Lode
With the help of the lockkeeper we survived Salter’s Lode lock. Steve took the turn out onto the river in his stride and we made our way to Denver Sluice where there was another helpful and friendly lockkeeper and then we were on the Great Ouse.

Chyandour emerging from Salter's Lode

Approaching Denver Sluice

The weather by now was warm and sunny with quite a strong breeze; it was enough to dry out the very wet steerer! As we had already had quite a long day, we moored up on an EA mooring at about 2.30. It is a lovely setting with views up the river. 

I went for a walk along the Fens River Walk which runs along an embankment next to the river and was rewarded with the sight of a group of goldfinches feasting on a bunch of thistles.

Another lazy evening followed, though we did take time to admire the sunset and the moonrise.

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